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Coping Strategies and Institutional Divergence in the Economic Transition of Wenzhou and Wuxi
作者 劉雅靈
本文從制度論出發,強調在地方比較制度優勢與制度互補的影響下,溫州與無錫如何回應日漸激烈的中國市場競爭與國際金融危機?本文強調溫州與無錫的地方行動者,如政府經濟治理能力的強弱、行業商會的外向連結或自我封閉、企業獨立或依賴的經營精神,均影響地方採行不同的應對策略做經濟轉型,以回應市場競爭的挑戰。溫州已從過去割喉式準自由市場競爭走向以商會協調為主的市場經濟,而無錫從過去地方政府產權所有的公司法人走向以地方政府協調為主的混合市場經濟。本文認為在應對策略選擇中,溫州開放包容與外向連 結的行業商會,扮演制度企業家角色,以豐富的資訊、理念與資源做制度創新,防止市場失靈。相較之下,無錫地方政府雖以強勢姿態干預經濟,如積極引進外資、推動高科技產業升級與密集式成長、產權私有化改革、組織企業集團上市、營造城鎮總體規劃、普及社會福利等,但無錫始終追隨中央政策之後,並造成許多資源浪費與效益低落,故無錫地方政府僅呈現弱勢制度企業家角色。溫州與無錫在制度變遷過程中,不僅出現舊制度元素重新組合的手工修補,而且出現新、舊制度元素相互混合的層疊交替,並在各自原有不同的比較制度優勢與制度互補約制下,走向分歧的經濟轉型路徑。
This article explores the ways in which Wenzhou and Wuxi, under the constraints of the local comparative institutional advantages and institutional complementarity, develop different coping strategies in response to intensified domestic market competition and international financial crisis in their respective paths toward market transition when China is embracing global capitalism. From an institutional perspective, this paper argues that it is the outward bridging character of business associations in Wenzhou that assume the role of a strong institutional entrepreneur to initiate institutional innovation, contributing to the local transition from the semi-laissez faire market economy to a market economy coordinated by business associations in order to prevent market failure. In contrast, it is the domination of the local state in Wuxi that ended local state corporatism over the past two decades and took the local-state-coordinated mixed-market economy at the turn of the century. The local state in Wuxi played only a weak institutional entrepreneurial role, always followed in the steps of the central state, and lacked initiative to shape its own path of transition. As a result, this article demonstrates the characteristics of bricolage and layering in the institutional change of Wenzhou and Wuxi's economic transition.
起訖頁 59-110
關鍵詞 比較制度優勢制度互補制度企業家制度變遷的手工修補與層疊交替comparative institutional advantagesinstitutional complementaryinstitutional entrepreneurinstitutional change of bricolage and layering
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201112 (22期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 在「祖國」與「外國」之間:旅中台生的認同與畫界
該期刊-下一篇 編排風險:多胚胎孕育的多重社會科技網絡




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