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Between 'Homeland' and 'Foreign Country': Liminal Identity and Boundary Work of Taiwanese Students in China
作者 藍佩嘉吳伊凡
Based on 61 in-depth interviews with Taiwanese students who moved to China for higher education, our study examines how migratory experience impacts the configuration and transformation of national identities. In particular, we explore how migrant students negotiate their ambiguous subject positions in webs of discourses that are interwoven between Taiwan and China, between China-as-imagined and China-inreality, and between 'homeland' and 'foreign country.' We demonstrate how students re-identify 'us' and 'them' during personal encounters while living in China, and how they utilize a variety of everyday practices to highlight or downplay the boundaries between themselves and locals. We propose a map of boundary work to analyze migrants' heterogeneous positions and multifarious experiences. We identify three major types of boundary work, as follows: (1) Some students are inclined to leave China after graduation and emphasize the existence of radical differences between Chinese and Taiwanese; this strategy is most common among those who emigrated to study for degrees. (2) Some students are inclined to stay in China and become incorporated into the local society to a higher degree, such as those whose parents work in China as professionals and those who came to China for job prospects. (3) The others choose to stay in China but highlight the boundaries between themselves and locals by deploying spatial and social segregation; examples include those whose parents run businesses in China and those who seek cross-region employment and mobility.
起訖頁 1-57
關鍵詞 學生遷移畫界工作認同國族認同兩岸關係student migrationboundary workidentificationnational identityTaiwan and China
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201112 (22期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-下一篇 經濟轉型中的應對策略與制度分歧:溫州與無錫




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