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Choreographing Risk: Multiple Sociotechnical Networks of Multiple Pregnancy
作者 吳嘉苓
This paper creates the concept of 'choreographing risk' to explore the sociotechnical networks of multiple pregnancy, mostly caused by assisted reproductive technology. I argue that during the processes of assisted conception and multiple pregnancy, heterogeneous elements of technology, legality, financial issues, emotions, politics and gender are coordinated around risk. Data include in-depth interviews of women and medical professionals, as well as archival data. I find that at the stage of getting pregnant with assisted reproductive technology, doctors tend to use multiple embryo transfer and ovarian stimulation medication to increase the pregnancy rate. Both doctors and women perceive failure of conception as the major risk and tend to disregard the risk of multiple pregnancy. In the case of multifetal conception, fetal reduction becomes a technical model to reduce the risk of multiple pregnancy. Some women and doctors refuse this technique for reasons other than health risk, however; the network of fetal reduction often collapses. High prevalence of multiple pregnancy in Taiwan exists. Pregnant women of twins and triples take embodied responsibility to avoid the risk of premature birth, including diverse bodily work and negotiation between productive and reproductive labor. This paper shows that women vis-à-vis medical professionals are becoming the central choreographers in the multiple networks of multiple pregnancy. For a policy implication, I suggest adjusting assisted conception methods, such as reducing the number of multiple embryo transfers during in-vitro fertilization, to relieve women from the hard labor of multiple risk choreography.
起訖頁 111-156
關鍵詞 風險性別人工協助生殖科技多胚胎植入減胎riskgenderassisted reproductive technologymultiple embryo transferfetal reduction
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 201112 (22期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 經濟轉型中的應對策略與制度分歧:溫州與無錫
該期刊-下一篇 彈性專業化作為產業轉型途徑:以台灣遊艇製造業為例




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