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After the Developmentalist Illusion: TheTaiwaneseAuto Industry and the Theory of the Trans-border Industrial Field
作者 鄭陸霖
This article proposes a theory of developmental sociology called the 'Trans-border Industrial Field'(TBIF), which offers an analytic framework with three research foci: an asymmetric interdependence between global firms and local firms, the duality of learning/control as revealed in their interactions, and the underlying product architecture of the specific industrial fields in which they reside. The theory's merits are demonstrated on two related levels of analysis. First, a critical review of the theoretical evolution in developmental sociology pinpoints a missing theoretical space that is vital to the discipline's valid response to the challenge of globalization and the advantages of the TBIF theory, compared with other relevant theories, are illustrated. Second, the TBIF theory is applied to the Taiwanese auto industry to show how it can overcome the weakness of alternative theories and better explain the complex dynamics of the industry's recent development, after the existing theory announced that such development was an 'illusion.'
起訖頁 111-174
關鍵詞 跨界展業場域學習/控制雙元性經濟社會學發展社會學全球化trans-border industrial fieldlearning/control dualityeconomicsociologydevelopmental sociologyglobalozation
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200606 (11期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 SARS的風險治理:超越技術模型
該期刊-下一篇 青少年網絡特性、互動結構和友誼動態




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