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Friendship Network Characteristics, Interaction Context Structure, and Friendship Dynamics among Adolescents
作者 謝雨生吳齊殷李文傑
While most previous studies focus on the effect of adolescents' characteristics on the friendship network and its structure, this study argues that both friendship network characteristics and the interaction context structure have significant effects on adolescents' friendship dynamics. It examines how the interaction context structure of friendship influences the effect of network characteristics on friendship dynamics. In this study, friendship network data from the 1996-1998 Panel Study of Taipei Youths is used to examine whether the friendship attributes and behavioural similarities of adolescents influence friendship changes and whether these effects vary across interaction contexts in terms of class size and class type to increase understanding of how adolescents' friendships evolve in a two-level conceptual framework. A two-stage cluster analysis is applied to characterize friends' change types and a two-level ordinal logit regression is utilized to investigate the research hypotheses. The results show that adolescents' friendship changes are dynamic rather than stable. The distribution of three ordinal types of friendship change varies by the interaction contexts and is influenced by class size or class type. Also, while the effect of friendship attribute similarity on friendship change is not significant, the effect of friendship behavioural similarity is somewhat prominent and is partially influenced by the interaction contexts as well. The findings indicate that friendship network characteristics and interaction context structure do have an influence on friendship dynamics among adolescents in Taiwan.
起訖頁 175-236
關鍵詞 友誼網絡特性互動結構友誼動態友誼動態結構友朋相似性friendship characteristicsinteraction context structurefriendship dynamicsfriendship similarityattribute similaritybehavioural similarity
刊名 臺灣社會學  
期數 200606 (11期)
出版單位 中央研究院社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 幻象之後:台灣汽車產業發展經驗與「跨界產業場域」理論




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