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A Brief View/Discussion on the Middle Chinese Sounds System of Mr. Chou Fa-Kao
作者 張玉來
名語言學家周法高先生(1915~1994)一生致力於中國語言學的研究,在文字學、音韻學、訓詁學、語法學、古籍整理訓釋等方面取得了卓越成就。〈玄應反切考〉、〈廣韻重紐的研究〉、〈切韻魚虞之音讀及其流變〉、〈梵文 t ̣ḍ 的對音〉、〈三等韻重唇音反切上字研究〉、〈古音中的三等韻兼論古音的寫法〉、〈說平仄〉、〈論中古漢語的音位〉、〈論切韻音〉、《玄應反切系統之再檢討〉、〈玄應反切再論〉、〈隋唐五代宋初重紐反切研究〉等論文構成了周先生的漢語中古音系統。周先生的中古音研究系統是上世紀最具代表性的體系之一。
Mr. Chou Fa-Kao (1915~1994),a famous linguist, devoted his life to Chinese linguistic research, who had made remarkable achievements on graphology, phonology, classical Chinese semantics, grammar, and annotations of ancient books. We can structur Mr. Chou's middle Chinese sounds system based on the following academic papers: “Textual Research on Xuanyin's Fanqie" “ Research on Redundant Syllables in Rhyme Tables of Guangyun " , “Pronunciation and Evolution of Yu and Yu (魚虞) in Qieyun", “Chinese Transcription of Sanskrit words t and d", “Research on the Third Division Bilabials' First Characters in the Fanqie", “Research on the Third Division of Ancient Chinese Sounds and It's Spelling", “The Discussion of the Even and Uneven Tonal Categories", “Research on the Phoneme of Medieval Chinese", “Research on the Phonetic System of Qieyun", “Further Research on the Fanqie System of Xuanying", “Re-discussion on the Fanqie System of Xuanying", “Research on Redundant Syllables in Rhyme Tables' Fanqie from the Sui Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty", the Five Dynasties Period and the Early Years of the Song Dynasty" and so on. This sound system was one of the most representative systems of the last century.
起訖頁 107-123
關鍵詞 周法高中古音體系重紐Chou Fa-KaoMiddle Chinese soundssystemsChongniu
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 201506 (29期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 音系推溯研究法:由李方桂先生擬構上古*ə 元音及周法高師中古重紐研究的幾個問題談到諧聲時代上古音之分五十四部
該期刊-下一篇 讀周法高教授編著《周秦名字解詁彙釋》--兼論彝銘男性名與字




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