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新詞誰解裁冰雪? --蕭繼宗先生與《麝塵蓮寸集》探論
A Study of Professor Hsiao Chi-tsung's Annotation on Wang Yuan and Cheng Shu's She-ch'en lien-c'un chi (麝塵蓮寸集)
作者 鍾慧玲
蕭繼宗先生為我國現代著名的古典文學名家,其評訂《麝塵蓮寸集》一 書,為清末詞人汪淵及其妻程淑共同完成的一部集句詞集。蕭先生鄭重推介 此書,且逐詞評說其章法體例。簡潔賅要的評語,不但呈現出蕭先生的詞學 觀,也呈現蕭先生的學養性情。本文首先說明蕭先生出版此書的曲折過程, 以見君子一諾千金,及發潛闡幽的雅範;其次,由蕭先生的按語探討其對集 句詞的審美標準,並肯定《麝塵蓮寸集》的美學價值;再者,分析蕭先生的 評賞風格,以見學人的襟懷氣度。本文除確立蕭先生評定《麝塵蓮寸集》的 意義與貢獻外,亦期望能對集句詩詞的文學意義與價值提供思索的方向。
Professor Hsiao Chi-tsung, an acclaimed scholar in classical literature, once annotated the collected work of lyric, She-ch'en lien-cun chi, composed by Wang Yuan and his wife Cheng Shu of the late Qing period. Professor Hsiao highly recommended this book and provided detailed annotation on its organization and style. The concise and insightful commentaries not only display Professor Hsiao's erudition but also reveal his views on lyric poems. This article begins by describing how Professor Hsiao came to publish Wang and Cheng's work. Then, through a careful examination of Professor Hsiao's commentaries, the author attempts to explore Professor Hsiao's aesthetic criteria in treating lyric poems, and ascertain Wang and Cheng's achievement in lyric poems. Next, an analysis of Professor Hsiao's commentary style in annotating lyric is followed, so as to see his great learning and personality. Besides ascertaining the contribution of Professor Hsiao's annotation on Wang and Cheng's work, this article will also want to consider the literary significance of line-culling technique in Chinese poetry and lyric poetry.
起訖頁 163-195
關鍵詞 蕭繼宗汪淵程淑麝塵蓮寸集集句詞學Hsiao Chi-tsungWang YuanCheng ShuShe-ch'en lien-cun chicompilation by culling linespoetics of lyric poetry
刊名 東海中文學報  
期數 200607 (18期)
出版單位 東海大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從《興懷集》、《獨往集》 看蕭繼宗先生生平與人格思想
該期刊-下一篇 顫慄之歌 --趙滋蕃小說《半下流社會》與《重生島》 的流放主題與離散書寫




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