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國家圖書館英文通訊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Multimedia Database on Dr. Sun Yat-sen
作者 江瑛莊健國
Since the 1990s, libraries on both shores of the Taiwan Strait have steadily formed closer cooperation and exchanges relations. A cross-strait conference on library and information services, held in 1998 by Hong Kong's Lingnan University, led to the formation of a 'Regional Cooperation and Information Sharing Group.' A resolution was also passed at that time mandating cross-strait cooperation in the compilation of a catalog of rare books, Chinese names of authority, and a database on Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The NCL followed up these initiatives by organizing a conference in 1999 on the cooperative development of a Chinese-language bibliographic database and establishing a work group to carry out this project. That same year in Hong Kong, the group convened its first meeting, which was attended by 20-some library representatives from Taiwan, mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, and Singapore.
起訖頁 1-1
刊名 國家圖書館英文通訊  
期數 200008 (32:2期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
該期刊-上一篇 Symposium on NCL's Tunhuang Collection
該期刊-下一篇 AAS Conference and Book Fair




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