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The Revival of Ritualism and the Development of Statecraft in the Ch,ing Dynasty
作者 王家儉
Traditional Chinese Classicalism began during the Pre-Ch'in era and boomed during the Han and T'ang dynasties. Ritualism followed this development, since it was a part of Classicalism. Throughout history, many scholars compiled concordances for Ritualism classics; however, when Neo- Confucianism came to prominence during the Sung dynasty, Classicalism declined, as did Ritualism. This situation lasted through the Sung, Yuan, and Ming dynasties. It was known as“a period of decline for Ritualism.” In the mid-seventeenth century, the Manchu Ch'ing dynasty replaced the Ming. Many scholars were weary of the perceived emptiness of Neo- Confucianism and were seeking more pragmatic statecraft theories for the country. This began the revival of Classicalism and Ritualism. Not only did more scholars devote themselves to the study of Ritualism, but writings on Ritualism also outnumbered those from previous dynasties. What was especially notable was the development of the pragmatic statecraft aspect of Ritualism. This became a defining characteristic of Ch'ing dynasty Ritualism. Later, this ritualistic statecraft was combined with Western learning, and became the foundation for the“Self-Strengthening Movement.” Tseng Kuo- fan 曾國藩(1811-1872) was the major force behind this new trend of thought. He took the ritualistic statecraft as the base of morality and politics. On the other hand, he devoted himself to the“Self-Strengthening Movement.” Tseng established such organizations as the Chiang-nan Arsenal and the Steam Navigation Company in China, sent young pupils for higher education in the United States, and trained the new navy in Shanghai. His belief was taking Ritualism as a foundation, but adopting Western learning for pragmatic statecraft uses. This innovative approach opened a new path for modernization in China.
起訖頁 269-296
關鍵詞 清代禮學顧炎武淩廷堪章學誠曾國藩Ch'ing dynastyritualismKu Yen-wuLing T'ing-kanChang Hsueh-chengTseng Kuo-fan
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200606 (24:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 明中晚期古本《大學》與《傳習錄》的流傳及影響
該期刊-下一篇 阮元文論的經學義蘊




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