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The Significance of Classical Studies in Ruan Yuan’s Prose Theory
作者 李貴生
Through the interpretation of the “Wen Yan”文言(Commentary on the Hexagrams of Qian 乾and Kun 坤) in the Yi Jing 易經(Book of Changes), Ruan Yuan 阮元, a renowned scholar of classical studies during the Qing Dynasty, developed a unique view of literary criticism, which has widely drawn the attention of students of Chinese history and literary theory. However, being influenced by modern academic disciplines, students who specialize in literature tend to ignore the elements of classical studies in Ruan Yuan’s theory. They suppose that Ruan’s citation of the “Wen Yan” is merely an appeal to authority as a rhetorical device, so as to help him more easily elaborate his own theory. These comments on Ruan’s theory are neither accurate nor conclusive. Confronting these prevalent views, this paper aims to elucidate the homogeneity between the prose theory and the classical studies of Ruan Yuan in terms of the method of Classical commentary. The author concludes that (1) Ruan’s“Wen Yan Shuo”文言鬑is a result of his own classical studies, rather than an essay with the intent to appease Confucian tradition; (2) his advocacy of Wen Xuan 文選is also one of the results of his classical studies; (3) the reason for extending his discoveries of classical studies to the domain of literature was to reunify the paradigm of literature and that of classical studies.
起訖頁 297-322
關鍵詞 阮元文論經學考證學文學批評Ruan Yuantheory of proseclassical studiesevidential studiesliterary criticism
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200606 (24:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 清代禮學的復興與經世禮學思想的流艓
該期刊-下一篇 王士禛杜詩批評析辨




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