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Research on the Epitaph of the Southern Han Emperor Gaozu, with Discussion on the Royal Liu Family’s Ancestry
作者 劉文鎖
本文就番禺新出土南漢康陵〈高祖天皇大帝哀冊文〉碑,結合南漢有關史料及清代以來有關金石著作作一考釋,期對高祖劉龑一生行跡及南漢史有更全面瞭解。所論包括五代哀、諡冊制度及南漢廟制,劉龑之才能、性情與生平事蹟,包括其追尊先祖與「僭偽」問題、「北顧中原」問題、禮制與文化建設、興建宮殿苑林、信仰傾向、性情與才能等方面。同時就康陵〈哀冊文〉形制以及追尊先祖問題、墓上建築的形制幾個重要方面所表現出來的特異之處,就藤田豐八所論南漢劉氏先祖血統問題提出疑義:〈哀冊文〉中的追尊先祖和劉龑信仰傾向,表明其家族之北方來源及非穆斯林裔;又據有關史料對劉氏之先世籍貫、姓名來源、南遷幾個方面的重新檢討,推測南漢劉氏為唐代入華定居中國的賈胡 --安氏「九姓胡」之後裔,於唐末避亂隨南遷潮流徙居福建,後遷廣州,以武功建立割據嶺南的王朝,其血統不是阿拉伯或波斯裔。
This paper analyzes the newly discovered epitaph entitled “Gaozu Tianhuangdadi Aicewen” 高祖天皇大帝哀冊文, from Liu Yan’s 劉龑 mausoleum in Kangling 康陵. Comparing the original Kangling epitaph with postscripts in works on bronze-stone inscriptions of the Qing dynasty and with history books, raises several important questions concerning the Southern Han dynasty and its founder Liu Yan (who reigned from 917-942). This paper discusses the following issues: the system of conferring posthumous titles in Southern Han and the temple titles of dead emperors during this period, the author of the epitaph, the administrative achievements during Liu Yan’s reign, his religious orientation, and also his abilities and interests in magical calculation or fortune-telling, and in healing and medical arts, etc. In this epitaph, the parts that laud Liu Yan’s cultural achievements and promotion of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are especially worth noting. They stand in stark contrast to historical records that exaggerate the atrocities by this so-called “despot.” The second part of this article re-examines the question about the royal Liu family’s ancestry by analyzing newly discovered evidence. Based on the analysis, it is clear that Liu Yan’s ancestors originated from the Hu 胡, who settled in China during the Tang dynasty (618-907 A.D.), and who later moved first to the Huai River area, and then to Fujian and Guangzhou (Panyu) at the end of the Tang dynasty. Through struggle and personal ability, along with the opportunity and chance afforded them at this time in history, they were able to found an independent dynasty in the Lingnan region. They were not of Arabian or Persian descent.
起訖頁 285-316
關鍵詞 南漢高祖天皇大帝哀冊文劉龑賈胡五代十國Southern HanKangling mausoleumepitaph of GaozuLiu YanHu ancestryFive Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200806 (26:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 寂寞的美麗與美麗的寂寞--論汪曾祺小說中「留白」的構成與層次
該期刊-下一篇 書評--Thinking with Cases: Specialist Knowledge in Chinese Cultural History




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