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Lonely Beauty and Beautiful Loneliness: The Formation and Layers of Blankness in Wang Tseng-chi’s Fiction
作者 張瀛太
Blankness, as embodied in Wang Tseng-chi’s 汪曾祺 fiction, is a lonely world of self-pity and of irreconcilable reality, as well as an emancipation of a trauma-stricken mind. Inherently aesthetic in nature, his blankness is a freehand “literati painting” that reflects this nature, while at the same time produces the result of a romantic ideal that eliminates pain and melancholy. Despite of the mixed reality of both the bitter and the sweet, Wang’s works reveal a move to find happiness amidst sorrow and a belief that things can be achieved despite an oppressive feeling of despair. The pendulum of Wang’s uniqueness swings back and forth between the loneliness in desperation, and the beauty in action. With his artistic tendencies toward pure aesthetics, Wang’s works contain peculiar observations on life, a unique and delecate enjoyment of things, and a high level of artistic refinement. Even though the meaning of Wang’s works is built upon a blankness of reality and pure aesthetics, and is consoling in nature rather than therapeutic, it has its stark limitations. Yet, from another perspective, his uniqueness and distinctiveness that come from these limitations is what makes Wang’s works extremely original.
起訖頁 253-284
關鍵詞 汪曾祺小說留白文人畫純審美Wang Tseng-chifictionblanknessliterati paintingspure aesthetics
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200806 (26:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 愛情如死之堅強--試論周瘦鵑早期翻譯哀情小說的美感特質與文化意涵
該期刊-下一篇 南漢〈高祖天皇大帝哀冊文〉考釋--兼說劉氏先祖血統問題




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