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Heterodox Doctrine and Techniques: The Study of the Popularization of Sanyan and Erpai
作者 高桂惠
This article is part of a study of the popularization of Chinese vernacular short stories in the 17th century. It focuses on texts and their relationship with other writings in the same period. Through the study of Sanyan 三言 and Erpai 二拍 and subjectivity summoned by texts, it examines the dialectical thought of fiction skills and manners of the time. As aesthetic subjects, Sanyan and Erpai form the poetic text; as moral subjects, they punish bad deeds and praise virtues. Thus, fiction writers of Sanyan and Erpai have multiple cultural identities. As spokesmen of the manners and morals of the time, while Ling Mengchu 凌濛初 expanded the content of elegant manners using Erpai; Feng Menglong 馮夢龍 summons his stories’ poetic subjects using Sanyan. Both are the result of the influence of classical writings on the skill and aesthetic values of vernacular writings. Therefore, Sanyan and Erpai take productive subjectivity as the process of popularization, which is presented as the complicated relationship between civilizing the masses and being influenced by popular culture. Sanyan and Erpai contain traditions that were already extant in mainstream culture as well as new elements that are the product of a disorderly world. In the process of shaping history, Chinese vernacular fiction gathers the elegant and the vulgar. Writing for the masses is the dialectic between creating images for the other in one’s culture and identifying oneself with a group.
起訖頁 283-312
關鍵詞 大眾化三言二拍白話短篇小說馮夢龍凌濛初popularizationSanyanErpaivernacular short storiesFeng MenglongLing Mengchu
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200706 (25:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
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