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On the Classification of “Qixue”
作者 楊儒賓
Qixue氣學 is a school that can compete with Lixue理學 and Xinxue 心學 in the works of modern historians of Chinese philosophy. Although neglected for a long time, it remains one of the few schools that can be connected to materialism. Qixue is a significant concept, but those who introduce it often confuse its xiantian mode 先天型 with its houtian mode 後天型. In the xiantian mode, qi 氣 is regarded as the action of the substance, and thus belongs to the category of metaphysics. On the contrary, qi is a materialistic term in the houtian mode, which is a branch of natural philosophy based on the theory of finite human nature. Both of these two modes borrowed the word qi to refute Zhu Xi’s 朱熹 division of li 理 and qi, and the metaphysics of kong 空 and wu 無 of Buddhism and Taoism. This article takes Liu Zongzhou 劉宗周, Luo Qinshun 羅欽順, and Zhang Zai 張載 as examples. They represented three kinds of xiantian mode thought respectively, but all based their philosophies on the theory of infinite human nature. The xiantian mode is still a school within Lixue; the houtian mode looked for a new way to develop.
起訖頁 247-281
關鍵詞 劉宗周羅欽順張載有限人性論無限人性論qiLiu ZongzhouLuo QinshunZhang Zaitheory of finite human naturetheory of infinite human nature
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200706 (25:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 論北宋孫復、劉敞與孫覺對《春秋》中「諸侯奔」的詮解
該期刊-下一篇 世道與末技--《三言》、《二拍》演述世相與書寫大眾初探




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