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Kyong Song-jin and a Mathematics Workshop in 17th Century Choson Korea
作者 洪萬生李建宗
Social status of mathematical practitioners in East Asia, as elsewhere, is among the best examples to help demonstrate interactions between mathematics and society. In this article, the authors will take Kyong Song-jin 慶善徵 (1616-?) as an example, and explore how the chungin mathematicians received in-service training in the bureaucratic system. The content of this training is well illustrated in Kyong Song-jin’s Muksa-jip san-hak 默思集算法, reconstruction of which against the social context would therefore help us to clarify the following historical episodes: how the professionalization and institutionalization of tongsan 東算 (Choson mathematics) can be related to relations between chungin 中人 mathematicians as opposed to Confucian mathematical practitioners. In his the Muksa-jip san-hak, Kyong Song-jin apparently documented a workshop, held for local administrative chiefs (usually of yangban 兩班 origin), in which the participants discussed taxation and fiscal budgets in terms of mathematical problem solving. This was first discovered by Li Chien- Tsung, the second author of this article. Kyong Song-jin adopted a form of dialogue between local officials and their chungin associates, and thereby presented in five problems relevant mathematical requirements for local officials. Towards the end of the workshop, as the text relates, the Old Muksa 默思翁, presumably Kyong Song-jin himself, was responsible for concluding the workshop. One cannot resist the fact that Kyong Song-jin might be the sponsor who was appointed from the central government to monitor the workshop. Whatever the case, the administrative management would have urged local officials of yangban origin to pay attention to the workshop. This may well explain why Confucian mathematical practitioners showed respect to Kyong Song-jin and in turn, the social status of chungin mathematicians would have been improved.
起訖頁 313-340
關鍵詞 數學史東算慶善徵朝鮮默思集算法mathematical historytongsanKyong Song-jinKoreaMuksa-jip san-hak
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200706 (25:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 世道與末技--《三言》、《二拍》演述世相與書寫大眾初探
該期刊-下一篇 論《紅樓夢》中「意淫」一詞的出處及其幽默與意義




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