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Rebellions on the Northern Frontier in the Reign of the Emperor Han Gaodi (202-195 B.C.)
作者 謝偉傑
本文皆在分析漢高祖劉邦時期北方邊境的動亂,以探討劉邦建立漢帝國的過程中所面對的困難,特別是地域文化因素所帶來的挑戰。漢初北方地區動亂的因由,若從領導人而言,似乎不脫被漢室逼反的成分,但進一步探尋動亂背後的動力和原因,本文提出需從地域文化的角度加以分析。所謂地域文化因素,一方面是戰國時代遺留下來的燕、趙地區之本地文化認同,抗拒和反對代表楚、秦文化的漢政權統治;另一方面,本文借用考古學者提出的「北方文化帶」概念,指出燕、趙北方地區在文化上與匈奴趨同,因而容易傾向與匈奴合作或受匈奴影響,爭取匈奴的支持,遂鼓動北境地區的動亂。本文首先敘述漢高祖劉邦統治時期北方動亂的概況,然後從北境地方勢力的領導人因素、北境的地域文化認同,以及北境地方勢力與匈奴的關係三方面進 行剖析,從而揭示北境動亂的特性、發生原因和背景。
This article is a study of the empire-building process of the Han Empire. The author investigates the reasons for the northern rebellions during the reign of Han Gaodi 漢高帝 (Liu Bang 劉邦), the founder of the empire, and points out the factors that hindered the consolidation of Han imperial authority. The article analyzes three aspects of the background and reasons for the northern rebellions: the self interests of the regional leaders, the regional cultural factors of the northern frontier, and the influence of the Xiongnu 匈奴. The author asserts that the personal ambitions of the rebel leaders were not the only factors that led to the rebellions. In order to grasp the whole picture, the author proposes to look into the influence of regional cultures. The regional culture of the former Yan 燕 and Zhao 趙 kingdoms of the Warring States Period still had great influence at the inception of the Han Empire, and thus formed its own cultural identity and persistently resisted the rule of the imperial authority, which represented a mixed culture of the Qin 秦 and Chu 楚 kingdoms of the Warring States Period. In other words, it was a cultural confrontation between the Zhao-Yan and the Qin-Chu. Furthermore, from a Eurasian perspective, the Zhao-Yan culture was partly similar to the nomadic culture of northern Eurasia, whose representative at the time was the Xiongnu. The concept of “Northern Frontier Belt” proposed by Chinese archaeologists is helpful to elaborate and reveal the interactive relationship between the northern frontier of the Han Empire and the Xiongnu.
起訖頁 31-59
關鍵詞 漢高祖劉邦漢帝國匈奴北方文化帶地域文化Han Gaodi 漢高帝Liu Bang 劉邦Han EmpireXiongnuNorthern Frontierregional culture
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200706 (25:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 墨子「非命」之旨趣及其意義
該期刊-下一篇 宣、章二帝與兩漢章句學的興衰




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