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The Meaning and Evaluation of Mozi’s Anti-Fatalism
作者 陳一弘
The theory of Anti-Fatalism is a negative attitude toward fatalism. Fate is a long and accepted concept, which involves not just the philosophy, or the rule for living life, but also the effects of social and political issues. In the pre-Qin period, Mozi墨子 often made judgments about fatalism. This article offers an examination of his attitude toward fatalism and finds the definition of this theory to be rooted in his orientation to life. Furthermore, in this article, I observe and interpret the meanings and influence of this theory, and analyze the little understood development of the Mohist school in later times. This article will focus on four topics. First of all, I will explore the definitional aspects of the term “fate.” Secondly, I will discuss the role and value of Anti-Fatalism in Mozi’s ideology. Next, I will refute the previous argument of the Three Methods and direct my attention to the relation between Anti-Fatalism and the belief in Siming司命. Finally, I will point out Mozi’s recognition of fate and how it conflicts with his own theory.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 墨子墨家非命天志三表法先秦MoziMohist schoolAnti-FatalismWill of HeavenThree Methodspre-Qin
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200706 (25:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 論漢高帝一朝的北境動亂




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