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Houses, Orientations, and Seat Allocations: A New Interpretation of the Spatial Culture in the Dream of the Red Chamber
作者 歐麗娟
This article closely analyzes the arrangement of architecture in Daguan Garden 大觀園 and the position and seating allocation for the collective activities that take place in the mansions, to reveal the cultural meanings implied in these man-made spaces. The architectural arrangement in Daguan Garden is different from that in the Rong 榮 and Ning 寧 mansions, where the seating allocations of the various kinds of meetings mainly reflect rank (noble/base) and blood relationship (close/distant), through the differentiation of east/west and high/low orientations. By contrast, the romantic space of Daguan Garden radiates an intimate, pastoral, expressive quality. Nevertheless, the patriarchal clan system and etiquette still intervenes, embodied in, say, the size and number of rooms. Thus, the spatial organization in the Dream of the Red Chamber tells a complex narrative of etiquette and human favors. This spatial metaphor expresses once again the idea of “complementary opposites” that runs through the whole of the Dream of the Red Chamber.
起訖頁 99-134
關鍵詞 紅樓夢大觀園屋舍方位空間文化場所研究Dream of the Red ChamberDaguan Gardenhouseorientationspatial cultureplace studies
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201009 (28:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 經學對通俗文學的滲透--論《西遊記》的「引經據典」
該期刊-下一篇 翁方綱的「由蘇入杜」說




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