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Weng Fanggang’s Theory of Approaching Du Fu through Su Shi
作者 何繼文
Although Weng Fanggang 翁方綱 was a prominent poetry critic, researchers have frequently only focused on discussing his jili shuo 肌理說 (theory of poetic texture). This paper intends to explore Weng’s relatively neglected poetry critiques and examine his advocacy of you Su ru Du 由蘇入杜 (approaching Du Fu 杜甫 through Su Shi 蘇軾). Weng sees shifa 詩法 (poetry writing skills) as the principles and theories summarized from shi (poems) written down the ages, stating that Du Fu’s poems are the key to shifa. He refers to Du Fu’s shifa as Dufa 杜法, and believes that one can come to a correct understanding of Dufa by studying Su Shi’s poems. The essence of Dufa is jingwei 精微 (refinement and detail), which can only be understood by the heart, and cannot be expressed in words. Thus, Weng argues, to help reveal it one must analyze the jili (texture) of a poem, but this does not mean that jili itself is of prime importance. This paper first catalogues you Su ru Du’s theoretical system, analyzes its content, and finally discusses its significance in the history of poetic theory.
起訖頁 135-165
關鍵詞 翁方綱杜甫蘇軾詩法肌理Weng FanggangDu FuSu Shipoetry writing skillspoetic texture
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201009 (28:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 論大觀園的空間文化--以屋舍、方位、席次為中心
該期刊-下一篇 恰克圖茶葉貿易與晉商(1862-1917)




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