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The Infiltration of Confucian Classics into Popular Literature: On the“Allusions”in the Journey to the West
作者 楊晉龍
This article investigates the infiltration of Confucian classics into the Journey to the West 西遊記, its reasons, and effects. Through combining reading of the “Thirteen Classics” and the “Four Books” with statistical analysis, I have concluded that the allusions to the Confucian classics in the novel fall into six types, and are applied in three different ways. According to the frequency of allusion, in descending order, there are one hundred and sixty-five cases in total from the Book of Poetry 詩經, the Analects 論語, the Book of Changes 易經, the Mencius 孟子, the Book of Rites 禮記, the Doctrine of the Mean 中庸, the Great Learning 大學, the Zuo Commentary 左傳, the Book of Documents 尚書, the Ready Rectifier 爾雅, and the Classic of Filial Piety 孝經. Secondly, I consider that the influences of the civil examination system and the reading habits of Ming society constitute the primary reasons for the use of rich references to the Confucian classics in the Journey to the West. Through examining the original functions of the classics and analyzing the basic concepts of “evidential studies” and “intertextuality,” I argue that this phenomenon may imply the resurgence of the entertainment function of traditional classics. Thirdly, I find that the infiltration of Confucian classics into the vernacular novel resulted in a new literary style that mixes classical and vulgar texts. Works such as the Journey to the West, the Plum in the Golden Vase 金瓶梅, and the Carnal Prayer Mat 肉蒲團 are examples of this new literary style. The appearance of this new literary style in turn characterizes the disordered state of orthodox Confucian texts. In addition to gathering statistics for the references to Confucian classics in the Journey to the West, my research also uses a different method of analysis that provides accurate data and an alternative approach for studying the Journey to the West and other vernacular novels.
起訖頁 63-97
關鍵詞 西遊記引經據典儒家經典通俗文學明代小說Journey to the Westliterary allusionConfucian classicsvernacular literatureMing novels
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201009 (28:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 歷史、屍體與鬼魂--讀話本小說〈楊思溫燕山逢故人〉
該期刊-下一篇 論大觀園的空間文化--以屋舍、方位、席次為中心




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