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The Nature of the Heir Apparent Palace Officials in the Liao Dynasty and the Early Jin Period
作者 曾震宇
The bureaucratic systems of both the Liao and Jin dynasties are seldom discussed by historians nowadays when discussing the history of Chinese bureaucracies. An accurate understanding of the bureaucracy in place during the early Jin period is particularly lacking. This is due to the fact that focus has been placed instead on the Tian Hui bureaucratic system 天會官制 established by Jin Xizong 金熙宗, and the fact that historians mistakenly believe that the Jin Dynasty merely built upon the traditional Jurchen bureaucracy in place when they conquered Liao. In reality, the Jin rulers used former Jurchen officials and adopted Liao’s bureaucratic system in order to consolidate their rule. Jin rulers even implemented this system in Northern Song. A key feature of the Liao system is that the officials simultaneously had both actual duties and symbolic titles. In addition, the succession system in the early Jin period has been overlooked by historians for quite some time, too. The Heir Apparent Palace bureaucratic system 東宮制度 was not in place during the early Jin period, and yet there were Heir Apparent Palace officials 東宮官. What are the differences between the nature of these Heir Apparent Palace officials when compared with the Heir Apparent Palace officials during the reign of King Jin Hailing? This paper investigates the nature of the Heir Apparent Palace officials in the early Jin period, in order to prove that there is a direct relationship between the bureaucratic system of the Liao Dynasty and that of the early Jin Period.
起訖頁 35-60
關鍵詞 遼代金代東宮官官制皇位繼承制度Liao dynastyJin dynastyHeir Apparent Palace officialsbureaucratic systemimperial succession
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200809 (26:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
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