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Paintings Express Mind: A Study on Yuan Haowen’s Poems Written on Paintings
作者 顏慶餘
本文對元好問現存近二百首題畫詩進行分類的研究,從中抉發其沿革傳統的諸多特徵。其山水類題畫詩通常引入個人回憶和感想,並在杜甫的基礎 發展一種進入畫面的想像性視角;其故實類題畫詩經常繞過圖畫,展開獨特的議論和嚴肅的道德思考;其人像類題畫詩充滿自我的反思和期許,並思考士的出處問題;其狀物類題畫詩強調繪畫物象的寓意,正如詠物詩一般。本文進而指出元好問在批評畫家的諸多言論背後的意圖,以及他建立繪畫與其收藏者的聯繫所包含的對繪畫本質的認識。本文的結論是,在元好問的題畫詩中,詩歌與繪畫在「言志」的古老傳統中達成殊途同歸的關係。
In this paper I categorize around 200 poems written by Yuan Haowen as inscriptions on paintings, with an aim to discover how he continued and developed the poetic tradition. I argue that his poems on landscape paintings incorporate personal memories and thoughts, and often approach the painting from an imaginary visual angle reminiscent of Du Fu’s poetic style; that his poems on historical paintings are composed of unique remarks and serious meditation upon morals, without direct mention of the painting itself; that his poems on portraits are full of self-reflection and self-expectation, often meditating on the scholar’s choice about reclusion and engagement; and that his poems on paintings depicting objects usually have an emphasis on implied meanings of the object painted, such as is the case with object poetry. I also point out Yuan Haowen’s purpose behind his criticizing some painters, as well as his perception of a painting and the connection the collector of the painting has with it. My conclusion is that his poetry and paintings both tap into the ancient tradition of “expressing one’s mind.”
起訖頁 61-92
關鍵詞 元好問題畫詩題材分類詩與畫畫言志Yuan Haowenpoems on paintingsclassification on subjectpoetry and paintingpaintings express mind
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200809 (26:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 遼與金初的東宮官性質
該期刊-下一篇 從《感興詩通》論胡炳文對朱學的繼承與發展




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