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The Convergence of the State’s Political Objectives and Neo-Confucian’s Educational Vision in Government Schools and the Civil Service Examinations: A Case Study of Xue Xuan
作者 許齊雄
Neo-Confucians often used private academies as platforms to propogate their teachings. This is especially true when they were dissatisfied with the state apparatus of examination and education, comprised mainly of the civil service examinations and the nationwide system of government schools. In the early Ming, Neo-Confucians from southern China were still practicing their age old tradition of building, renovating, and teaching in private academies, thus effectively positioning themselves as an alternative, if not a challenge, to the state system. However, Xue Xuan薛瑄, the leading Neo-Confucian from northern China believed and acted differently. Not only did he refuse to institutionalize his private educational activities in an academy, he strongly advocated that the state’s objectives of training and recruiting talent should converge with the Neo-Confucians’ educational vision. In his mind, not only should the state’s education and examination system be based on the Cheng-Zhu tradition 程朱學, it should also include his philosophical teachings on “restoring nature.” Thus, on top of reevaluating the relation between Neo-Confucians, academies, government schools, and the civil service examinations, we should also ponder the difference between the ideas of northern and southern Neo-Confucians.
起訖頁 87-112
關鍵詞 薛瑄官學科舉書院理學Xue Xuangovernment schoolscivil service examinationsacademiesNeo-Confucianism
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200903 (27:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 漂泊與思歸--從東坡詞中的他界意象論其內在追尋
該期刊-下一篇 江右學者胡廬山思想脈絡析論--從「闡述師教」談起




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