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An Analysis of Hu Zhi’s Thought: With Discussion on His“Explaining Teachers”
作者 朱湘鈺
Hu Zhi (胡直, 1517-1585), a Neo-Confucian scholar during the middle Ming dynasty, was born in Taihe 泰和 in Jiangxi 江西. He was a prominent second-generation scholar in the Jiangyou School of Wang Yangming’s Thought 江右王學. While scholars have studied Hu Zhi’s thought in the past, previous research is lacking in depth. Specifically, who and what influenced his thought has not been sufficiently explored. This influence is less of an experiential one based on external circumstances; rather it is an internal association with traditions that preceded him. The paper first discusses the influence of his teachers, his reflections on the problems with academics at the time, and the emergence of the concept “promote learning and limit formalities” 博文約禮 as the core of his thought. Second, it analyzes the paradox of Hu’s criticism of the ideology “emphasizing the internal at the expense of the external” that was in vogue at the time, and the fact that Hu himself gained enlightenment and understanding regarding the universal whole through meditation. Furthermore, he emphasized “the essence of benevolence,” which brought on criticism from Luo Nianan 羅念菴. Lastly, it expounds on the need to differentiate between Confucianism and Buddhism in Hu’s writings. There are elements of all three “doctrines” (i.e., Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism) in his thought. It is hoped this study will help fill in some gaps in our understanding of Hu Zhi.
起訖頁 113-140
關鍵詞 江右王學胡直歐陽德羅念菴萬物一體the Jiang-you School of Wang Yangming’s ThoughtHu ZhiOuyang DeLuo Niananuniversal whole
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200903 (27:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 國家政治目的和理學家教育理想在官學和科舉的結合--以薛瑄思想為例
該期刊-下一篇 明中晚期坊刻制舉用書的出版及朝野人士的反應




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