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A Study on Commercially-Printed Examination Aids Published after Mid-Ming and Responses from the Government and the Public toward These Publications
作者 沈俊平
Examination aids were a major type of publication during the publication boom of the mid-Ming dynasty. These aids were largely produced by commercial printing houses and were widely circulated in book markets during and after mid-Ming. These aids helped prepare candidates in two major areas: knowledge they needed to acquire before sitting for the civil service examinations and techniques on answering examination questions. This essay examines commercially-printed examination aids published after mid-Ming and the responses from the government and the public toward these publications. There are three parts in this essay. Part one outlines the publishing activities of these commercially-printed examination aids, as well as the major types of aids produced during and after mid-Ming. Part two examines their positive influences on society. Part three provides explanations on their enduring vitality in the book market, even though they were intermittently banned by the court and incisively criticized by the officials and scholars during the Ming dynasty.
起訖頁 141-176
關鍵詞 明代出版坊刻書坊科舉Ming dynastycommercial printingcommercial printing housebookshopcivil service examinations
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200903 (27:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 江右學者胡廬山思想脈絡析論--從「闡述師教」談起
該期刊-下一篇 借用與對峙--互文性視域下的〈梁武帝累修成佛〉




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