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Being Adrift and Thoughts of Return: A Discussion of Su Dongpo’s Internal Quest as Shown by the Image of the Other World in His Ci
作者 李文鈺
超曠自適,是東坡(1036-1101)一向予人的印象。然而在「此心安處是吾鄉」的逍遙心境外,詞中亦常瀰漫吾生如寄、漂泊思歸之感。究竟這漂泊無依的感慨緣何而生?而東坡內心嚮往回歸的「故鄉」又到底安在?本文透過東坡詞中神話他界(the Other World)意象的境象特徵或隱喻意涵,以及對此境域所表現的情思或投射意向,探索東坡內心追尋的原鄉境域,並在現實的仕隱出處之外,從深層心理,分析東坡漂泊之感的形成。
Su Dongpo (蘇東坡, 1036-1101) usually gives his readers the impression of being completely at ease with himself and his surroundings. However, in contrast to this easy air of “home is where my heart is at ease,” his ci詞are often filled with a sense of the transience of life and of being adrift and wanting to return home. Where exactly does this sense of being adrift stem from? And where exactly is this “home” that the author pines for? This paper looks at the characteristics and metaphoric implications of the image of the mythical Other World in Su’s ci and the feelings or aspirations he has for this place in order to better understand the “home” that he is searching for internally. Furthermore, analysis will go beyond the traditional conflict of serving as an official or going into reclusion; it will look at the deep recesses of his mind to reveal the content and outline of Su Dongpo’s sense of being adrift.
起訖頁 57-85
關鍵詞 蘇軾宋詞神話他界原型Su ShiSong cimyththe Other Worldarchetype
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200903 (27:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 孫吳年號與符瑞問題
該期刊-下一篇 國家政治目的和理學家教育理想在官學和科舉的結合--以薛瑄思想為例




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