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The Establishment of KMT’s Central Women’s Department during Wartime
作者 宋青紅
抗戰時期為動員婦女參加抗戰工作,國民黨女黨員多次籲請國民黨中央設立婦女部,以統籌全國婦運工作,並加強國民黨對婦女工作之管制。國民黨遂於 1938 年,於社會部下設立中央婦女運動委員會,1940 年 12 月,中央婦女運動委員會改由組織部接管。1945 年 10 月,國民黨中央執行委員會所屬中央婦女運動委員會在重慶正式成立,中央一級的婦運機構由此設立。中央婦運機構的設置,是國民黨女幹部於國家民族危機之時,動員和加強婦女工作的客觀需求,也是國民黨婦運工作的內在需要,是婦運工作人員為改變自身處境的現實需要。
During the war of resistance against Japan, in order to mobilize women to take part in the war, the KMT female leaders repeatedly called on the KMT to set up the Central Women’s Department , in order to co-ordinate the National Women’s work, and to strengthen KMT’s control over women’s work. In 1938, KMT established the Central Committee on women’s movement under the Social Department. In December 1940, the Ministry of Organization took over the Central Committee of the women’s movement. In October 1945, the Central Committee on women’s movement under the KMT Central Executive Committee was formally established in Chongqing, thus the central level women organization established. The establishment of the central level women organization is the objective need of the women cadres to mobilize and strengthen the work of women when they are in the national crisis, Itwasalso the inner need of the women’s work in the KMT, and the realistic need of women workers to change their situation duringwartime.
起訖頁 105-156
關鍵詞 國民黨婦運幹部婦運機構婦女部組織部宋美齡Women’s cadreswomen’s organizationCentral Women’s DepartmentMinistry of OrganizationSoong Mei-ling
刊名 近代中國婦女史研究  
期數 201706 (29期)
出版單位 中央研究院近代史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 個人經驗與公共領域:《婦女雜誌》通信欄研究(1915-1931)
該期刊-下一篇 清季日本女性教習拾遺




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