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Research on Network Interactive Behaviors and Security Decision Factors of Internet Villagers in Virtual Communities Based on Criminology Theories
作者 陳宗義沈筱娟
隨著時代變遷,人際間的互動已由人與人的直接接觸,轉移到網路的虛擬空間上,台灣網路使用者參與虛擬社群(virtual community,VC)的運作與日俱增。網路使用者(網友)在虛擬社群中,藉由不同的電腦或行動裝置,使用中介網路傳播媒體進行交友、購物、線上遊戲、抒發心情與談論時事等虛擬的互動行為。因此,網路口碑及鄉民的意見對網友的決策及行為往往產生重大的影響。然而,因網路的匿名與連結等特性,網友在享受跨越時空便利的同時,自身卻暴露於不同程度的風險當中。本研究以犯罪學(criminology theory)為基礎,結合特質論(trait theory)、日常活動理論(routine activities theory)、一般犯罪理論(general theory of crime)、及社會控制理論(social control theory)的核心概念,歸納出個人、環境及情境等三個構面及十個互動安全影響因素,以為本研究之研究基礎架構。本研究藉由分析虛擬社群之網友的個人背景差異與網路人際行為與互動的關係,從不同的構面找出影響虛擬社群使用者的網路人際互動行為之安全決策因素,為廣大的使用者,在可能潛藏危機的虛擬環境評選網路互動對象時,提供安全評估參考。研究結果顯示,虛擬社群使用者因不同性別、年齡與職業,而對自我概念、自我控制、動機、依附、參與、信念、信任、聲譽、機會與時間等十項因素都有不同的認同程度,當中並以動機、機會及信念等因素為最重要的影響決策因素。另外,女性比男性更重視自我概念、自我控制、動機、信念及機會等因素。
As times have changed, interpersonal interactions have shifted into the virtual space of the Internet. The number of Taiwanese Internet users who participate in virtual community (VC) operations is increasing. VC users interact with each other through various computer-mediated communication channels to socialize, shop, play games, and discuss personal and current events. Electronic word of mouth and opinions generated in VCs effectively influence user decision-making and network behaviors. VCs facilitate convenient and anonymous social interaction; however, users face risks when participating in VCs. This study was based on criminology theories, including the trait theory, routine activities theory, general theory of crime, and social control theory, and involved constructing a basic research architecture comprising three aspects (individual, environment, and situation) and ten interaction factors influencing security (self-concept, self-control, motivation, attachment, involvement, belief, trust, reputation, opportunity, and duration). The relationship between the personal backgrounds of VC users and their interactive behavior online was analyzed. Discussing this relationship facilitated determining the security interaction factors influencing the interactive behavior of VC users according to various aspects to provide users with suggestions for evaluating interactive safety and avoiding harmful users in the virtual world. The results indicated that VC users identify with the ten security interaction factors to various degrees according to gender, age, and occupation. The VC users strongly agreed that motivation, opportunity, and belief are the most critical factors influencing online behavior. In addition, women valued the five factors of self-concept, self-control, motivation, belief, and opportunity more than did men.
起訖頁 241-270
關鍵詞 虛擬社群犯罪學互動安全網路行為安全評估virtual communitycriminology theoryinteraction securitynetwork behaviorsecurity evaluation
刊名 電子商務研究  
期數 201506 (13:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北大學資訊管理研究所
該期刊-上一篇 以馬斯洛需求層級理論探討智慧型手機使用者需求重要性之研究




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