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An Interpretation of Zhu Xi's Theory of Ghostly and Godly Existence
作者 吳展良
Zhu Xi's 朱熹 theory of ghostly and godly existence is a basic part of his cosmology. It forms the foundation of his refutation of the Buddhist theory of reincarnation, and is a building block of his socio-political and ethical theories. Zhu Xi is neither a theist nor an atheist. This seemingly contradictory attitude makes his thought difficult for scholars to understand. This paper seeks to interpret Zhu Xi's theory from his organismic and holistic world view, which transcends the dichotomy between idealism and materialism and the gulf between the subjectivity and non-subjectivity of things.Zhu Xi believes that the world of ghosts and gods is hard to know, and insists that we should start from what we know about the nature of this world so as to reach a better understanding of the more mysterious part of the world. He considers the world to be the product of the flow and evolution of qi 氣 (air/mass), which amasses and dissipates all the time. He uses yin-yang 陰陽 to describe the amassment and dissipation of qi, and the terms ghostly and godly to describe the marvelous function of yin-yang. In his eyes, the universe is led by lively ”rationales/patterns” that can create wonders and even ghostly and godly existence. He then uses this theory to interpret all kinds of wonders and the socalled world of gods and ghosts.
起訖頁 111-144
關鍵詞 朱子鬼神宇宙觀魂魄祭祀Zhu Xi 朱熹ghosts and godsworld viewyin-yang 陰陽soul and po (essences of body)ancestral worship
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201312 (31:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 思與天下之士,皆為周孔之徒--徂徠石介道統論述之建構、特色及其核心精神
該期刊-下一篇 宋元禪師對「趙州勘婆」公案的接受與多重闡釋




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