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Theories of Confucian Orthodoxy in the Early Northern Song: Focusing on Shi Jie's 'Cu Lai Ji'
作者 林保全
This paper focuses on Shi Jie's 石介 theories of Confucian Orthodoxy, and through a survey and analysis of ”Cu Lai ji” 徂徠集, his collected writings, attempts to show how he constructed his theories and describe the openness and innovation at their core.The openness of Shi Jie's discourse on Confucian Orthodoxy is his argument that there should be no single highest authority over the lineage of sages and virtuous men, nor should Sun Fu 孫復 be considered the sole Song dynasty successor to the Confucian Orthodoxy.The innovation in Shi Jie's discourse lies in his dual-layered model. Having established his lineage of sages and virtuous men using documentary sources such as the ”Xici zhuan 繫辭傳,” ”Gujin ren biao 古今人表” and ”Yuan dao 原道,” he then strictly distinguishes between the sages and the virtuous men, believing that the duty of a sage is to establish cultural practices while the duty of a virtuous man is to implement or to promote them. The core essence of Shi Jie's discourse on Confucian Orthodoxy is a conceptual cycle of bo (剝 damage) and fu (復 recovery), and his unique dual approach characterized by the concepts of wang/shuncheng 往/順承 and fu/guifan (復/歸返 coming back/returning).
起訖頁 77-110
關鍵詞 道統石介徂徠孟子韓愈Confucian OrthodoxyShi JieCu LaiMengziHan Yu
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201312 (31:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 山水正名與賦體問對--柳宗元〈愚溪對〉及其相關續衍的書寫變創與賦學觀照
該期刊-下一篇 朱子之鬼神論述義




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