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The Reception and Multiple Interpretations of the 'Zhaozhou Kan Po' Koan by Song-Yuan Chan Buddhist Masters
作者 黃敬家
In the Song-Yuan dynasties, Chan masters began to summarize and reinterpret koans 公案, producing literary forms such as songgu (頌古 verses praising old cases) and pingchang (評唱 critical retorts). More songgu were composed for the koan known as ”Zhaozhou sees through an old woman 趙州勘婆” than any other koan, which has been continually cited, used as a retort, and reinterpreted by later generations of Chan masters. Even though the contextual dialogue was discarded, the openness to interpretation of the koan itself enabled later Chan masters and disciples to use it to create new dialogues and perspectives. This article primarily aims to investigate the dissemination of this koan, ways in which it was explained, and its reception and application by Chan masters during the Song and Yuan dynasties, in order to observe how later Chan masters entered into the semantic or spatio-temporal context of their lineage masters' koan dialogues through commentarial activities and participated in the development of the meaning of koans, thus unearthing their profound, unique, and creative interpretations of koans of the past.
起訖頁 145-178
關鍵詞 宋元禪宗Zhaozhou kan po 趙州勘婆koan 公案verses praising old cases (songgu 頌古)critical retorts (pingchang 評唱)Song-Yuan dynastiesChan Buddhism
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201312 (31:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 朱子之鬼神論述義
該期刊-下一篇 直那一死--明代的河豚文化




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