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The Episteme of 'Qing' in 'The History of Love'
作者 黃莘瑜
The bulk of Feng Meng-long's 馮夢龍 ”Qing shi” (情史 The History of Love) is made up of short stories, the textual sources and narrative structures of which have already been widely discussed in the academic world. This study concerns how the author regarded the materials he compiled, and how this viewpoint shaped the framework he employed to arrange the text and form a way for the reader to come to an understanding of qing 情 (love/affection). I believe that the author's concept of a ”history of love” is connected to an ordered ”realm of affection,” and that this conceptualized order does not rely directly on traditional etiquette; rather, it is drawn from an episteme that accommodates both the ”history” and ”types” of love to communicate a moral awareness with qing at its core. It is also worth noting that, in examining the framework of the compilation, the explanation of the associations between the categories does not adequately embody or support the author's view that qing is that which connects everything in the universe. Besides this, the fact that occurrences of and reasoning associated with qing are not necessarily consistent phenomena also creates doubts and flaws in the realm of affection.
起訖頁 169-203
關鍵詞 晚明馮夢龍情史知識late MingFeng Menglong馮夢龍qing情'The History of Love'knowledge
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201212 (30:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 利瑪竇、李應試與《兩儀玄覽圖》
該期刊-下一篇 論晚清小說對《水滸傳》「忠義」的演繹




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