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Matteo Ricci, Li Yingshi and the Liangyi Xuanlan Tu
作者 徐光台
明末耶穌會士利瑪竇(Matteo Ricci, 1552-1610)入華傳教,吸引原先熱衷傳統占星的錦衣衛官員李應試(1560-1620?)於萬曆三十年(1602)受洗,成為當時在北京最轟動的皈依事件。本文探究利瑪竇與李應試間關係,及其影響與歷史意義。利瑪竇說服李應試皈依,早於徐光啟、李之藻與楊廷筠等人,此一經驗有助於他說服原先熱衷星占傳統的徐光啟之父。三十一年,李應試參照李之藻刊刻《坤輿萬國全圖》,擴充為《兩儀玄覽圖》,其中「十一重天圖」第十一重天明確地標示基督宗教的天堂所在,並在第八重天將西方天文星座與中國傳統二十八宿並列,經利瑪竇考訂後刊刻。此圖對《乾坤體義》「乾坤體圖」、陽瑪諾《天問》「十二重天圖」、王英明《重刻曆體略》「九重天圖」與王宏翰《乾坤格鏡》「十二重天圖」產生影響。
Matteo Ricci (1552-1610) arrived in China to preach the Catholic faith in the Wanli 萬曆 era of the Ming Dynasty. In 1602, he converted Li Yingshi 李應試 (1560-1620?), an official of the Imperial Bodyguard (Jinyi wei 錦衣衛) who was interested in traditional astrology. Li's conversion is one of the most sensational in the early history of the Jesuits in China, taking place earlier than Xu Guangqi 徐光啟, Li Zhizao 李之藻, and Yang Tingyun's 楊廷筠 conversions. The experience probably helped Ricci to persuade Xu's father, Xu Sicheng 徐思誠, who was also interested in traditional astrology, to also convert to Catholicism. In 1603, Li Yingshi completed and published a map of the world called the Liangyi xuanlan tu 兩儀玄覽圖 based upon an earlier map, the Kunyu wanguo quantu 坤輿萬國全圖. He clearly indicated the location of the Catholic Heaven on one of the smaller diagrams on the map, the Shiyi chong tian tu 十一重天圖, and also added the names of both traditional Chinese and traditional Western constellations. It influenced later cosmological diagrams printed in works such as Bi Maokang's 畢懋康 Qiankun tiyi 乾坤體義, Emmanuel Diaz's Tian wen lue 天問畧, Wang Yingming's 王英明 Chongke liti lue 重刻曆體略, and Wang Honghan's 王宏翰 Qiankun ge jing 乾坤格鏡.
起訖頁 133-167
關鍵詞 明代利瑪竇李應試兩儀玄覽圖星座Ming dynastyMatteo RicciLi Yingshi李應試Liangyi xuanlan tu兩儀玄覽圖constellations
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201212 (30:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 豐臣秀吉侵略朝鮮期間日軍在朝鮮半島之築城--以日本史料為核心
該期刊-下一篇 「情史」與「情」之知識型構




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