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Yi Wu Wei Ben: Wang Bi's Interpretative Approach in 'Explication of Doubts on the Analects'
作者 劉昌佳
Besides his commentaries on ”The Book of Changes”易經 and the ”Lao Zi”老子, Wang Bi 王弼 also wrote a commentary on the ”Lunyu”論語entitled ”Explication of Doubts on the Analects” 論語釋疑, in which he interprets Confucianism using a Daoist metaphysical idea, ”yi Wu wei ben” (以無為本 taking Wu as the basis). By first replacig the Confucia n Dao 道 of the ”Lunyu” with the ontological Dao of philosophical Daoism, Wang Bi replaces Confucianism's fundamental philosophical starting point, and transforms the entire philosophical system that flows from it. Wang then replaces this Dao with the metaphysical Wu, thus ”taking Wu the basis” for a new interpretation of Confucian thought.After reinterpreting the meaning of Dao, Wang Bi then replaces the volitional doctrine of Tianming (天命 the will of Heaven ) with the non-volitional Tiandao (天道the way of Heaven), establi shing yi Wu wei ben as a 'theory of Heaven', and creating the foundation upon which rests his system of thought, which he further extends to a discourse on ethics and political philosophy. In summary, Wang Bi's entire system of thought can be said to use yi Wu wei ben as its interpretative foundation and approach.
起訖頁 35-62
關鍵詞 王弼論語以無為本玄學儒學Wang Bi 王弼'The Analects'yi Wu wei hen 以無為本metaphysicsConfucianism
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201209 (30:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 觀看、反思與專凝--《莊子》哲學中的觀視性
該期刊-下一篇 倭刀與俠士--明代倭亂衝擊下江南士人的武俠風尚




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