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Knights-Errant and the Japanese Sword: Japanese Pirate Raids and the Consequent Popularity of Wuxia among Jiangnan Elites in the Ming Dynasty
作者 王鴻泰
The Japanese pirate raids that began in the reign of Ming dynasty emperor Jiajing 嘉靖 stimulated tension and opportunism among the educated elite, and how to keep the pirates at bay became a discussion topic common among both government officials and the general populace. In this belligerent atmosphere, the study of swordsmanship, tactics and war craft became matters of particular interest to the elite, uniquely capturing their imagination. As a result, a reverence for chivalry and dedication to the martial spirit became a new mode of self-expression for the literati, developing into a popular perspective on life and culminating in the emergence of a new style of elite: the xiashi (俠士knight-errant), who was both a man of letters and of the sword. This article focuses on the question of the Japanese sword (wodao倭刀) and the ways in which related knowledge and skill spread, and also discusses how Japanese pirate raids prompted the development of wuxia 武俠culture.
起訖頁 63-98
關鍵詞 倭寇倭刀劍術俠士文人文化明代Japanese piratesJapanese swordswordsmanshipxiashi 俠士literati cultureMing dynasty
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201209 (30:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 王弼《論語釋疑》「以無為本」的詮釋進路
該期刊-下一篇 人性的寓言--明末豔情小說《僧尼孽海》對僧尼持守色戒之詮解




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