中文摘要 |
義大利耶穌會傳教士衛匡國(Martino Martini, 1614-1661)是最早向歐洲人介紹中國歷史與中國地理的西方人,並撰寫了第一部中國官話語法。據已故義大利漢學家白佐良(Giuliano Bertuccioli)的論點,百元1651-1652年間,衛氏自中國前往歐洲的旅途中,曾在巴達維亞停留八個月。這段期間,他完成了《中國文法》的撰寫,並在離開之前,將《中國文法》的一部手稿抄本贈送荷蘭醫學家克萊耶(Andreas Cleyer, 1634-1697/98)。1689年,克萊耶把手稿寄給了一位德國醫師門澤爾(Christian Mentzel, 1622-1701)。1716年,德國漢學家巴耶(T. S. Bayer, 1694-1738)抄寫存藏於柏林圖書館裏的手稿。但此後,該原稿卻遺失了。筆者透過衛氏郵件的詳細分析、古代善本總目及藏書家手冊的探究,又在法國和義大利另外發現了兩部抄本,這兩部文法的標題皆為:《中國語文文法》。經過進一步的研究,筆者發現衛氏的《中國語文文法》,已經收錄在出版於1696年泰夫諾(M. Thévenot's)的文集《旅行奇集》中。綜上,得以證實衛匡國的文法應是有史以來第一部撰寫、出版的中國官話語法。本文藉由手抄本和出版版本的分析比較,試從《中國文法》初稿、經過修訂並加入注釋的《中國語文文法》,追溯衛匡國譜法的流傳路徑。 |
英文摘要 |
Martino Martini (1614-1661) was a main contributor to historical and geographical knowledge about China in seventeenth century Europe. His works strongly influenced the intellectuals of his time. He was also author of a less popular, though no less important, work; a grammar of the Chinese language.According to Giuliano Bertuccioli, Martini attended to the compilation of a Grammatica Sinica, in 1652, while he was detained by the Dutch in Batavia for eight months. He left a copy of it to Andreas Cleyer (1634-1697/98). The manuscript was sent to Europe in 1698 and preserved in Berlin. In 1716, T. S. Bayer (1694-1738) made a copy of it, but the original has not been found.Once in Europe, Martini left another copy of the grammar to Jacob Gohl (1596-1667), a Dutch orientalist. From this original manuscript other copies were most likely made, and this could explain the presence of grammars very similar to that of Martini's in the libraries of Glasgow, Berlin, and Krakow. These copies have at different times been modified and extended by Philippe Couplet and Christian Mentzel.After a detailed analysis of Martini's correspondence and a long search for reference in rare books catalogues and manuals for bibliophiles, Ⅰ succeeded in finding two copies with an identical structure but entitled Grammatica Linguae Sinensis in Cambrai and in Vigevano. The latter was Martini's gift to Juan Caramuel (l606-1682), a Spanish polymath who had studied Chinese with him.Further researches have led me to the discovery of a printed version of Martini's Grammatica Linguae Sinensis attached to the 1696 edition of M. Thévenot's Relations des divers voyages curieux. Thus, Martini's grammar has been proved to be the first grammar of Mandarin Chinese ever written and published. Through a comparative analysis of the extant copies in both manuscript and printed form, and at the same time trying to separate the contributions to the original work given by other scholars who possessed it, the present study aims at reconstructing the evolutionary course of Martini's grammar from the older Grammatica Sinica to the refined and annotated copy of the Grammatica Linguae Sinensis. |