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An Analysis of the (Im) Perfectivity of do2/den2 (著) in Hakka: Interaction of Lexical Semantics and Construction
作者 李詩敏
This study adopts a constructional account to inspect the aspectual, syntactic, and semantic features of the (im) perfectivity of do2/den2 (著) in Hakka. Our investigation finds that both the perfective marker do2 and the imperfective marker den2 have coercion effects, and that do2/den2 constructions are aspectual concord constructions performing implicit conversion, as well as aspectual shift constructions performing explicit conversion, It is worth noting that the interaction of den2 and locative inversion constructions performs explicit conversion, which is incompatible with the durative marker gin2. Moreover, our examination of the stativizing functions of the (im) perfectivity of do2/den2 in llakka benefits from Michaelis's findings relating to perfect and progressive constructions in English. Inspection of constructional grammar, grammaticalization arguments, logical implications, cognitive understanding, the distribution of do2/den2 in real language use in terms of direction of grammaticalization, and diachronic cross-dialectal evidence, all support the argument that, in Hakka, the imperfective den2 developed from the perfective do2.
起訖頁 191-228
關鍵詞 完成貌持續貌強制轉換靜態化客語著臺灣客語perfectiveimperfectivecoercionstativizeHakka do2/den2Taiwan Hakka
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201109 (29:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 清代朝鮮使節在北京的琉球情報收集
該期刊-下一篇 衛匡國與第一部西方撰作的中國官話語法




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