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The Origin of the Xinxue Approach to the Yijing: A Discussion of the Position of the Tongxi Yizhuan
作者 賀廣如
This article originated with questions I had about the position attributed to the Tongxi yizhuan 童溪易傳 in the Siku quanshu zongmu's 四庫全書總目. The Siku zongmu states that study of the Yijing 易經 from a xinxue 心學 perspective, an approach that became popular in the Wanli 萬曆 period of the Ming dynasty, in fact began in the Southern Song with Wang Zongchuan's 王宗傳 Tongxi yizhuan and Yang Cihu's 楊慈湖 commentary on the Ying. The Siku zongmu also states that Wang tends to respect the mysterious and difficult to grasp, even touching upon non-Confucian ideas. and concludes that the reason his commentary had less impact than Yang's was due to his lower social status.This article investigates Yijing scholars since the Southern Song, and finds that the above opinion of the Tongxi yizhuan expressed in the Siku zongniu was taken up by a number of scholars from the mid-Qing onwards. However, the understanding of mind Wang expresses in the Tongxi yizhuan is quite different from that of Lu Xiangshan 陸象山 and Yang Cihu's, and closer to that of Cheng Yichuan's 程伊川. Moreover, Wang does not in fact introduce non-Confucian concepts in the Tongxi yizhuan, preferring to use historical events as examples, and the claim that he has a tendency towards the mysterious and abstruse is completely unfounded. The true reason that he was not as influential as Yang Cihu was that Wang's book does not belong at all to the School of Mind, and should not be regarded as using a xinxue approach to studying the Yijing. Wang Zongchuan's discussions of trigram changes, the concepts of the Universal Principle li and Numbers shu 數, and his use of historical examples and thought are all close to Cheng Yichuan, which without doubt identifies him as belonging to the Cheng School.
起訖頁 267-302
關鍵詞 王宗傳童溪易傳心學易楊簡楊慈湖Wang Zongchuan王宗傳Tongxi yizhuan童溪易傳xinxue approach to the YijingYang Jian楊簡Yang Cihu楊慈湖
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201109 (29:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 衛匡國與第一部西方撰作的中國官話語法
該期刊-下一篇 書評:ABC Etymological Dictionary of Old Chinese




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