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利瑪竇下“doi mappamondi piccoli”即《萬國二圓圖》——與徐光台教授商榷
Matteo Ricci’s “doi mappamondi piccoli” Does Refer to the Wanguo er Yuantu
作者 宋黎明
利瑪竇在其晚年回憶錄中嘗言,馮應京刊刻 “doi mappamondi piccoli(兩小幅世界地圖) ”,人們普遍相信它們是指馮應京刊刻的《萬國二圓圖》,而程百二《方輿勝略》中的南北兩半球圖則是其摹本。根據張京元〈題萬國二圓圖序〉全文,徐光台正確地指出,因為《萬國二圓圖》為張京元於 1607 年刊刻,故與馮應京無關;他進而指出, “doi mappamondi piccoli” 不是《萬國二圓圖》,而是馮應京《月令廣義》中「九重天圖」與「天地儀」。本文試圖論證, “doi mappamondi piccoli” 即《萬國二圓圖》,其刊刻者不是馮應京,而是張京元,利瑪竇將張京元誤記為馮應京。
Matteo Ricci’s memoirs state that Feng Yingjing 馮應京 printed “doi mappamondi piccoli” (two little maps of the world). It is generally believed he was referring to the Wanguo er yuantu 萬國二圓圖 printed by Feng Yingjing 馮應京, and that the maps of the northern and southern hemisphere published in Cheng Baier’s 程百二 Fangyu shenglu 方輿勝略 are copies of these two maps. However, Hsu Kuang-tai 徐光台 correctly points out that Zhang Jingyuan’s 張京元 preface to the Wanguo er yuantu indicates that Feng Yingjing had nothing to do with the Wanguo er yuantu, since they were in fact printed by Zhang Jingyuan in 1607; Hsu further argues that the so-called “doi mappamondi piccoli” does not refer to the Wanguo er yuantu, but rather to the “Diagram of the Nine Heavens” 九重天圖 and “The Armillary Sphere” 天地儀 printed in Feng Yingjing’s Yueling guangyi 月令廣義. This paper tries to prove that the “doi mappamondi piccoli” are indeed the Wanguo er yuantu, but that these were printed by Zhang Jingyuan, and not Feng Yingjing; Ricci was just mistaken with regard to their authorship.
起訖頁 299-317
關鍵詞 兩小幅世界地圖萬國二圓圖利瑪竇馮應京張京元doi mappamondi piccoliWanguo er yuantuMatteo RicciFeng YingjingZhang Jingyuan
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201612 (34:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 威妥瑪漢字字母化的追求——論新發現威妥瑪謄抄馬禮遜《廣東省土語字彙》及裨治文《廣東方言彙編》手稿
該期刊-下一篇 對宋黎明先生〈利瑪竇下“doi mappamondi piccoli”即《萬國二圓圖》——與徐光台教授商榷〉的回應




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