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Acquiring Mere Knowledge and Empty Moralizing: Luo Nianan on the Faults of Confucian Practitioners
作者 陳志強
The positioning of Luo Nianan’s 羅念菴 philosophy has always been a controversial issue within the academy. Tang Junyi 唐君毅, a contemporary New Confucian thinker, understands Luo’s philosophy to be “purely a philosophy for oneself,” and one which focuses on the problem of the adulteration of l i a n g z h i (良知 intuitive understanding) with the outside world. Based on Tang’s insights, this paper argues that the key concern of Luo’s philosophy is what he sees as the faults of Confucian self-cultivation: the acquisition of mere knowledge, opinion, and empty moralizing. In Luo’s view, Wang Yangming’s 王陽明 teaching of the extension of intuitive understanding can only be realized through real practice. Although Luo believes that the practice of meditation particularly benefits a certain kind of practitioner, the cultivation of tranquility is an indispensable element of Neo-Confucian idealist practice. Without real practice, all the knowledge, insights, and verbalizations of intuitive understanding prove to be illusive. Through the above discussions, this paper attempts to reconsider the positioning of Luo’s philosophy and provide a more just evaluation of its merits.
起訖頁 99-130
關鍵詞 羅念菴陽明後學唐君毅知見空言靜功Luo NiananWang Yangming’s followersTang Junyimere knowledgeempty moralizingpractice of tranquility
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201612 (34:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《交州藁》中的安南書寫
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