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A Preliminary Study on the Editions of Mayi Xiangfa
作者 梁偉賢
Mayi xiangfa (麻衣相法 Mayi’s Physiognomy) is the most well-known and highly regarded ancient Chinese work of its kind. Yet the period of its compilation and the identity of its compiler have remained an unsolved riddle for the past few centuries. Beginning with a clue hidden in the “Yiwen zhi” (藝文志 Records of Literature) section of the Mingshi (明史 History of the Ming Dynasty), I have searched various anthologies, catalogues, epitaphs and biographies for further material. Threading together this scattered information, I have been able to deduce when the first edition of Mayi xiangfa was completed, ascertain the real name of its compiler, Bao Lizhi 鮑栗之, and sketch an outline of his life. The clarification of these facts not only restores the authorship of this significant contribution to physiognomy to Bao Lizhi, but also highlights the crucial position of Mayi xiangfa as a link in the sequence of physiognomic works. These new discoveries provide a more reliable basis for future research on later works of physiognomic theory or history, and for rational answers to several long-standing questions. These include why has so much attention been given to Mayi xiangfa; what is the sequence of the different editions, and what relationships exist between them; and what is the origin of the Shenxiang quanbian ( 神相全編Complete Compilation on the Wondrous Art of Physiognomy).
起訖頁 131-164
關鍵詞 麻衣相法相術相書鮑栗之神相全編Mayi xiangfaphysiognomic theoryphysiognomic worksBao LizhiShenxiang quanbian
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201612 (34:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 知見空言——羅念菴論「學者」之過
該期刊-下一篇 幾社八股文的思想——以陳子龍為考察中心




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