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Vietnam Travel Writing in the Jiaozhou Manuscript
作者 李嘉瑜
蒙元時期幅員至廣,讓元代文學相較於漢族王朝時代,具有更多新穎且富文化意蘊的議題,異域書寫就是其中之一。安南與蒙元帝國之間,不論是戰爭或和平時期,兩國的使節始終往來不絕,這也使得元詩中的安南紀行詩數量頗為可觀。本文將以陳孚( 1259-1309)作為個案,身為南人的陳孚,至元二十九年( 1292)被選任副使,隨梁曾( 1242-1322)出使安南,《交州藁》收錄的即是其使交「往來道中所作」的安南紀行詩,共 108 首。作為帝國使者,陳孚的安南之行是負有國家使命的,通過這種特定的視角所展示的異域,顯然是不同於一般的旅行者。本文將關注陳孚究竟如何描述他的安南遊歷?而安南又以什麼樣的「形式」或「形象」被主體所感知?此外,《交州藁》既以詩歌作為表達形式,那麼,這種表達形式對他的安南書寫究竟產生何種影響?這些問題的釐析,將有助於我們對《交州藁》的瞭解。
During the Yuan Dynasty, the vast territory of the Mongolian Empire brought an increased cultural richness and novelty to the literature of the period compared to that of the previous ethnic Han dynasties. One of these novel themes was Yiyu shuxie (異域書寫 writings on foreign lands). In both times of war and peace, a continuous stream of envoys traveled back and forth between the Mongolian Empire and Vietnam, which resulted in a significant increase in the volume of Vietnam travel poetry written in the Yuan dynasty. In this article, Chen Fu 陳孚 (1259-1309) serves as a case study of this phenomenon. Chen Fu was a southerner appointed as an ambassador in 1292, accompanying Liang Zeng 梁曾 (1242-1322) on a mission to Vietnam. The Jiaozhou Manuscript 交州藁 is a collection of 108 travel poems written by Chen Fu during his travels through Vietnam. As an ambassador, Chen’s trip to Vietnam was a mission of national importance, which makes his particular perspective an exotic one: clearly, he was no ordinary traveler. This article focuses on how Chen Fu describes his Vietnam tour, and through what forms or images he perceives Vietnam. Additionally, since poetry is used as a form of self-expression in the Jiaozhou Manuscript, then how would this affect how he writes about Vietnam? An analysis of these questions will help us to better understand the Jiaozhou Manuscript.
起訖頁 63-97
關鍵詞 元詩安南紀行詩異域書寫陳孚交州藁Yuan poetryVietnam travel poetrywritings on foreign landsChen FuJiaozhou Manuscript
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201612 (34:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 鄭思肖《太極祭鍊內法》研究——在法師身中完成的濟度儀式
該期刊-下一篇 知見空言——羅念菴論「學者」之過




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