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On the Locative Existential Construction in Taiwanese Hakka: Interface between Construction and Lexical Semantics
作者 葉瑞娟
本文從構式語法的角度檢視臺灣客家語處所存在構式,此構式為一特定的形式( NP1LOC V NP2)與意義( Y2 BE IN X1)之配對,本文論證此構式的動詞分布取決於構式和詞彙語意的互動,要成為一合法的處所存在句,該句必須牽涉NP2存在狀態的改變,且此改變是由動詞次事件所導致的。構式次事件和動詞次事件的互動表現在兩方面:首先,出現在此構式的動詞之動態性會被構式強制轉換成狀態義;其次,此構式的論元體現是由動詞論元和構式論元共同決定的,當兩種論元結構衝突時,構式論元會凌駕動詞論元之上。根據動詞次事件和構式次事件之間的關係,此構式可進一步區分成三個特定動詞類別的次類構式。構式語法的分析可維持動詞固有之語意,避免為動詞設定不合理之語意。
This paper examines the locative existential construction in Taiwanese Hakka in terms of Construction Grammar. This construction pairs the form ‘NP1LOC V NP2’ with the meaning ‘Y2 BE IN X1.’ It is argued that the distributional characteristics of verbs in this construction can be accounted for by the interaction between construction and lexical semantics. For a given locative existential sentence to be grammatical, a change of the existential state of NP2 as a result of the verbal subevent must be involved. The interaction between the verbal subevent and the constructional subevent can be seen in two aspects. First, the construction has a coercion effect in forcing a dynamic verb to have a stative reading. Second, the argument realization of this construction is the result of the fusion of the argument(s) of the verb and the arguments of the construction and the construction wins in conflcts between the two types of arguments. According to the relationship between the verbal subevent and the constructional subevent, this construction is divided into three verb-class-specific subconstructions. Under the constructional analysis, verbs can retain their intrinsic semantics and implausible senses of verbs can be avoided.
起訖頁 241-275
關鍵詞 臺灣客家語處所存在構式構式語法詞彙語意強制轉換Taiwanese Hakkalocative existential constructionConstruction Grammarlexical semanticscoercion
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201603 (34:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 談「的」字(準)定語結構——以四縣客家話名物化為例
該期刊-下一篇 上博五〈季庚子問於孔子〉通釋




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