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Investigating the Syntax of the De-Construction: A Case Study of Gerundives in Sixian Hakka
作者 鍾叡逸
本文從比較句法的角度,考察四縣客家話的名物化現象,並且和國語相對照。主要針對表領屬的定語用法,以及作動名詞短語使用的準定語,探討(準)定語的內部句法結構和語義詮釋,定位「的」句法地位。客家話的動名詞短語受到有生性( animacy)影響,呈現主語、賓語不對稱性,可見句法運作和詞彙語義特徵之間的交互作用。句法上,客家話「 个」(的)在動名詞結構和定語結構,擔任不同的句法功能。定語結構的「 个」擔任「敘述語」( Relator),建立所有者和領有物之間的主述關係;動名詞短語的「 个」則為「聯結語」( Linker),投射出指示語以進行「述語反轉」( Predicate Inverse),聯結施事者和動作行為、完成名物化。客家方言提供了比較語法研究平臺,釐清準定語和定語兩者句法、語義的差異,同時觀察到有生性之於句法運作,不僅在客家話的名物化,更具跨語言性的影響。
This paper is a comparative study of gerundive constructions in Sixian Hakka and Mandarin Chinese. A fine syntactic structure is articulated to account for asymmetries within the gerundive constructions. In terms of methodology, this paper adopts the movement approach to demonstrate syntactic operations in gerundive phrases, and further proposes that the subject-object asymmetries of Hakka gerundive phrases are closely related to the morphological features of the ge-complement (Greenberg 1963, Harley and Ritter 2002). Such morphological features are crucial for the syntactic feature to be active and then successfully trigger V-to-Nom movement, building up the NomP (Huang 1997, 2008, Tang 2008). Moreover, the attributive-gerundive alternative ge-phrase exemplifies a case of Predicate Inversion (den Dikken 2006, Moro 1997), resulting from ge’s dual grammatical functions, Relator and Linker. Ge in attributive phrases serves as a Relator, establishing the predication relationship between possessor and possessee, while serving as a Linker, the opposite role to the Relator, to project a specifier position for Predicate Inversion, giving the gerundive interpretation. Overall, this comparative study provides an ideal testing ground for the syntactic-semantic correspondence between the gerundive and attributive phrases. More interestingly, the animacy hierarchy is a crucial cross-linguistic factor in syntactic operations.
起訖頁 211-239
關鍵詞 客家定語名物化述語反轉有生性比較語法Hakka, attributivegerundivepredicate inversionanimacy hierarchycomparative syntax
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201603 (34:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 氣節與道脈之間——東林祠祀爭議與清初士風之轉折
該期刊-下一篇 構式和詞彙語意的互動—以臺灣客家語處所存在構式為例




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