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In the Name of Donglin: Partisanship, Morality and Academic Genealogy in the Ming-Qing Transition
作者 胡琦
The Donglin faction’s 東林黨 anti-eunuch campaign has long been considered a key factor in understanding late Ming politics and the collapse of the dynasty. Existing studies, however, seldom discuss the development of the Donglin Academy itself. This article provides a historical account of the early Qing (1644-1722) debates over the academy’s pantheon and describes in detail the intellectual background. I demonstrate that, while some local intellectuals attempted to worship the martyrs of the anti-eunuch movement, provincial governors such as Tang Bin 湯斌 and Song Luo 宋犖 insisted on a “purity of academic genealogy,” allowing only Neo-Confucian scholars to be listed in the pantheon. I aim to show that conflict and compromise between intellectuals and political authorities, along with reflection on the cultural crisis of the late Ming, gradually shaped the interests of Qing scholars who were otherwise inclined to restrict themselves to purely academic work. This contrasts with their late-Ming predecessors, who were enthusiastic about pursuing the political implications of their learning
起訖頁 177-210
關鍵詞 東林書院祭祀氣節理學明清之際Donglin Academy 東林書院worship, moral integrityneoConfucianismMing-Qing transition
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201603 (34:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 理禮雙彰——鄭齊斗的經世之學
該期刊-下一篇 談「的」字(準)定語結構——以四縣客家話名物化為例




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