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The Correspondence between Principle and Rite: Chong Che-du’s Philosophy of Statecraft
作者 劉芝慶
Chong Che-du 鄭齊斗 is the most important of Korea’s Yangmingist 陽明學 thinkers. He espoused the school’s ideas and fought for its integrity at a time when Zhu Xi’s 朱熹 doctrines were regarded as orthodox and dominated the intellectual climate. Though primarily a philosopher, Chong is also concerned with statecraft, a preoccupation whose roots also lie in Yangmingism. In four parts, this essay explores how Chong’s concept of “mind as principle 心即理” forms the foundation of his philosophy of statecraft, shedding new light on this figure. Part one provides a literature review of the significance of Chong’s philosophy of statecraft; part two analyzes Chong’s Yangmingist inheritance, which is also the starting point of his own philosophy of statecraft; part three shows the correspondence between principle 理 and rite 禮, describing two components from which Chong constructs his philosophy of statecraft: “mind as principle” and “principle as rite”; part four draws some conclusions.
起訖頁 153-176
關鍵詞 心即理經世理學禮學鄭齊斗朝鮮mind as principlestatecraftneo-Confucianismritual studiesChong Che-du 鄭齊斗Choson Korea
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201603 (34:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 Antonio Pérez一個華人雇傭兵與十六世紀末西班牙人在東亞拓展
該期刊-下一篇 氣節與道脈之間——東林祠祀爭議與清初士風之轉折




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