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Antonio Pérez一個華人雇傭兵與十六世紀末西班牙人在東亞拓展
Antonio Pérez: A 16th Century Chinese Mercenary Who Took Part in the Spanish Expedition to East Asia
作者 李毓中
本文運用第一手的西班牙文史料,嘗試以一個澳門華人 Antonio Pérez 參與西班牙菲律賓總督 Luis 海外軍事行動為切入點,討論十六世紀末西班牙人在中南半島拓展的歷史,即其在 1596 年於柬埔寨以及 1598 年因風災滯留在廣州外海,一處被稱為「賓那( El Pinal)」小島上的傳奇冒險經歷。並以宏觀的角度,探討擔任火繩槍手、鐵匠以及翻譯的華人小人物 Antonio Pérez,為西班牙效命 12 年後,如何自馬尼拉搭船渡過太平洋,航過大西洋來到西班牙,在此波全球化歷史變動的過程中為自己爭取利益。同時,藉由澳門華人Antonio Pérez 的特殊際遇,分析十六世紀末海外華人在 Dasmariñas 家族對外擴張行動中所扮演的角色,以及西班牙人在柬埔寨所見閩南華人勢力茁壯稱王的概況。
This article utilizes first hand Spanish materials to attempt to understand the history of Spanish expansion in Indochina at the end of the sixteenth century from the viewpoint of the Macanese-Chinese mercenary Antonio Pérez. Pérez participated in overseas expeditions conducted by the Spanish Governor–General of the Phillipines Luis Pérez Dasmariñas. The materials include Pérez’s experiences of the 1596 Spanish expedition to Cambodia and his stories concerning their brief detainment on El Pinal, a tiny island off the Guangdong coast, due to a storm in 1598. From a broader perspective, the author also explores how, after devoting twelve years of his life to Spain as a lowly rifleman, blacksmith, and translator, Antonio Pérez sailed from Manila to Spain seeking to benefit himself in this historical wave of globalization. Simultaneously, the unique fate of Macanese-Chinese Antonio Pérez provided a fine sample case to illustrate the role oversea Chinese played in foreign expeditions conducted by the House of Dasmariñas at the end of 16th century. A summary of how the Spanish witnessed robust Minnan Chinese development in Cambodia, some of the Chinese even became self-proclaimed kings is also included.
起訖頁 123-152
關鍵詞 西班牙人華人菲律賓柬埔寨澳門SpanishChinesePhilippinesCambodiaMacao
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201603 (34:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 傳記與辨體觀——內部衝突的分類過程
該期刊-下一篇 理禮雙彰——鄭齊斗的經世之學




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