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An Empirical Study on Visitor Satisfaction Model for Tourism Factory- The Comparison Before and After the Revitalization of Brand’s Health Museum
作者 李君如 (Chunju Li)陳俞伶
From the transformation of Industrial Economy to Experience Economy, the tourism factory comprises living art, historical culture, educational learning and domestic travel has gathered the strength is ready to launch; accordingly, it also can present the powerful and flexible vitality of life facing difficulties during the process of transformation. As a worldwide well-known health enterprise, Brand’s opened its door to the public since 1999, and established the health museum later in 2003 while implementing directly the comprehensive brand promotion to the people. Since 2008, it provides even better experiences to the visitors in terms of the revitalization of the museum. The object of this study focuses on the significant differences between visitors’ satisfaction and influential elements before and after the revitalization of Brand’s Health Museum in terms of the whole model to recognize the relationship among the variables of Tourism Attraction, Service Quality, Perception Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty. The survey was conducted separately in 2008 from January to February and October to November, 294 effective respondents of the questionnaire implied that: 1) different attribute of visitors among different variables have significant difference toward the feeling, also as the same situation as before and after the revitalization 2) the test of whole model fit of the cross-sample was qualified regarding to the stage 1 and stage 2. The findings of the model indicate that Tourism Attraction will directly affect the Satisfaction Degree rather than Service Quality; however, Service Quality will directly affect Perception Value rather than Tourism Attraction, both Perception Value and Satisfaction Degree play the central role in the study; Tourism Attraction concerning the whole effectiveness is more significant on the Loyalty than Service Quality.
起訖頁 21-43
關鍵詞 產業觀光觀光工廠觀光吸引力服務品質滿意度白蘭氏健康博物館Industrial tourismTourism factoryTourism attractionService qualitySatisfactionBrand’s health museum
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200906 (7:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 泌尿外科住院病患手術流程再造與RFID資訊系統之應用:以某醫學中心為例
該期刊-下一篇 「中醫於護理之應用」課程規劃




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