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Reengineering the Operation Processes for the Hospitalized Patients in Division of Urology with the Application of a RFID Information System: A Case Study in a Medical Center
作者 姚銘忠楊啟瑞趙德馨林正偉徐晴星
It is obvious that the Operating Room (OR) is one of the most important income sources in a medical system. On the other hand, OR also requires significant amount of resources because of its extensive costs incurred from its construction, the investment of equipments and the salary of professional personnel. In order to improve the efficiency of OR, the managers of medical institutes would like to reduce the costs incurred in OR and shorten the waiting time of a patient in the operating process. To conduct operation process re-engineering in OR, we divide this research plan into three stages: In the first stage, we will use flow charts to secure complete documentation on the operating processes in OR. The second stage reviews the problems and wastes resulting from the design of the operating processes and proposes alternatives for improvement. Also, we accurately collect time statistics of time intervals in the operation processes for the hospitalized patients in Division of Urology utilizing a RFID information system. Finally, in the third stage, we will establish Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) based on the improved processes from the second stage after iteratively revising the operating processes from the second stage.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 手術室流程再造文件化合理化標準作業程序Operating roomsProcess reengineeringDocumentationRationalizationStandard operating procedure
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200906 (7:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 觀光工廠遊客滿意度模式之實證研究-以改館前後的白蘭氏健康博物館為例




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