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Curriculum Design of Applying Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nursing
作者 鍾聿琳黃美瑤余麗玲
由於台灣民眾複向求醫行為的需求,使得注重於西方護理教育的台灣護理教育陸續開設中醫相關課程,但這些課程皆非經課程評估的研究程序所設計。因此,本研究之目的在發展出一套適合技職大學護士的「中醫於護理應用」課程,由從事護理教育10年以上且有將中醫應用於護理的經驗的護理老師及具中醫師背景授課老師,依據經實證研究分析的「技職大學畢業護生應具備之中醫知能探討」研究結果,及教學系統設計模式(Instructional systems Design Model),進行設計發展課程內容。研究結果包括:(1)完成了一份2學分「中醫於護理之應用」課程之課程綱要;(2)依據一個教學目標完成教材教法,內容含作業指引、考題、能力評核表、以及教學評量表。教學內容是以當下臨床實務需求為主,然實務之需求變化頗多,課程內容、教材宜定期檢討修正。期盼透過此課程之研發,展現台灣大學護理教育的本土特色,落實培育符合市場需求護理人員的教育目標。
Because of the dual needs of western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as people seek medical consultation in Taiwan, leading the nurse education not only focus on the western medicine but the Chinese medicine course. However, these courses are not established through the research procedure based on the curriculum evaluation. The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum of “ Applying Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nursing ” for bachelor student of nursing. This study was performed by the senior nursing faculties who are qualified registered nurse and Chinese medicine physician. They had had the experience of applying TCM in nursing programs for over 10 years. According to the previous results of “ An investigation on competence of TCM for BSN graduates ” and Instructional System Design (ISD) for the development of curriculum design, the study was designed and obtained the results: (1) completed a two credits course syllabus of 'Applying Traditional Chinese Medicine in Nursing', (2) completed the teaching method and teaching material based on each teaching objective, content with the assignment guidelines, the examination questions , the assessment in technique scale, and the assessment in teaching scale. The content of the course is based on the present demand of the clinical practice. However, the practical demand may be changed because of many variable situations and should be reviewed regularly. Through the development of this curriculum, it would reveal the characteristics of the university nursing education in Taiwan, also achieve the market demands.
起訖頁 45-57
關鍵詞 中醫知能課程發展教學系統設計Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) competenciesCurriculum developmentInstructional systems design (ISD)
刊名 健康管理學刊  
期數 200906 (7:1期)
出版單位 臺灣健康管理學會
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